What's On

Latest news, insight & opinion from CCA

With freedom comes responsibility

This week's blog has been penned by Liz Barclay, broadcaster and writer specialising in consumer business issues and personal finance. She is a communications trainer and coach and works with a variety of businesses in finance, health and public sec...

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Customer engagement

This week's blog has been penned by Liz Barclay, broadcaster and writer specialising in consumer business issues and personal finance. She is a communications trainer and coach and works with a variety of businesses in finance, health and public sec...

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What customers really want

Who wouldn’t want to be a mind-reader? Wouldn’t it save all the expense and time we currently devote to extensive structured customer feedback research? Or maybe we need to consider other ways to get inside the heads of our customers? ...

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Signs of hope

It is good to end a busy week on a hopeful note, with fresh signs of a sincere commitment to rebuilding customer trust in sectors where trust had reached an all-time low and with the successful launch of our new MBA programme. Ian Peters, Managing...

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Plastic Fantastic

Browsing the news headlines this week you’d be forgiven for thinking you were caught in a timewarp given the excitement generated by news from two very different organisations involving plastic product innovation. The buzz is more understandab...

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Olympics reach fever pitch.....

In London this week – my first visit since the Olympics has started. What an amazing atmosphere! The games have really touched hearts and minds – particularly with Team GB winning so many medals! Got the chance to see the women’...

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